Friday, August 18, 2017

Growth Mindset: I love cats!

(Image Information: Photo from Pinterest)

I found the videos about growth mindset to be very interesting. I agree that we teach our kids all wrong. I wish I had thought of this sooner before mine was halfway through high school, but she has plenty of school left. I can always start encouraging some of this now. To be honest, I think it will be more difficult to apply to myself. I'm sure there are ways that I can, but it's hard to look at things so differently after this many years of school, and when most people in this country praise good grades over how much effort went into it. You also tend to get praised at work for higher number of sales and so on. I think our society would be better with this mindset, but I think it might be difficult to adapt to it. I am interested in learning more about growth mindset this semester even if I'm not sure how it fits in for me yet.

A class I'm a little worried about this semester is my psychology capstone experience. I'll have some kind of internship, but I have heard really conflicting things about what that is. Some have said they interned at Griffin Memorial Hospital, which I think would be fantastic. Others said they volunteered at the boys and girls club and it was like a babysitting job. I think that would be really lame and not tell me if I'll like working in the field or not. I'm also concerned about how time consuming it will be, because I want to work in another psych lab this semester. Hopefully I can make both work at the same time without going crazy and while still being able to accommodate my daughter's schedule.

That said, I love cats and really like the growth mindset cat pictures. I think they can be incorporated into my life pretty easily. Maybe I can have Mario pose and make some of my own, too. I chose the cat above for two reasons. One, I think that's a good motto for this class since we will be writing a lot this semester. And two, I have been writing fan fiction and most of my readers are in their teens and early 20's. They tend to be critical in not very constructive ways. I try to remember that they are much younger than I am, and that some of the things they say and do make sense for their age group and aren't necessarily meant to be harsh or hurtful. But some days it just plain hurts, and I feel really discouraged from writing at all. I think the only way I'm going to get through the rest of the long story I've been writing is to write without fear, and not worry about what anyone else thinks or wishes I did instead. 

1 comment:

  1. I think that would be great if you made some growth mindset memes with your lovely Mario! And my guess is that your fan fiction experience is going to be PERFECT preparation for this class. In fact, there are a couple of activities coming up in Weeks 2 and 3 about that feedback cycle, especially setting aside the fear of feedback, and also the fear of giving feedback too. Since you have already had experience with that in the fan fiction world, you can understand what a struggle it can be sometimes. One of my great hopes for this class is that people can get more practice with both giving and getting feedback about their writing since feedback is such a crucial part of the growth process. I'm glad that part of the class might be useful in your fan fiction world too! :-)
